กระทู้เก่า - 05543 :
Alakazum [ 12/2/2549 4:54:37 ]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 1
[12/2/2549 15:32:47]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 2
conti [12/2/2549 15:50:18]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 3
Alakazum [12/2/2549 20:23:30]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 4
Re #1 "?
snakeeater [12/2/2549 23:5:46]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 5
[13/2/2549 15:5:55]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 6
taxa nu [14/2/2549 9:50:33]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 7
Usually the toxic puffers come from all species occurred in stagnant waters (dead lock waters), for instant; in dam, ponds) but not all fish and season. Is was very random and jack-pot like event. The most frequence report are Monoterte suvatti, M. turgidus, M. fangi (M. lieurus complex/ Pao Kwai, Pao Dum)., anyway, all 3 spp. is having consumed recently without harm. As I saw them eaten at Kut Ting last week, and people told me that no problem for long time?? even its liver (the deadliest part of previously known puffers), they just boiled it whole fish as soup after skinned them. May be at Kut Ting is flooded yearly from Mekong, but at Ubolrat Dam do the same manner without dead too?? Stagnant and euthrophic may be trigger of FW tetraodotoxin, it need to do more intensive research and give instruct to preple try for best; as well as note that it upon your own risk, as in Japanese Fugu. Ban and prohibit like narcotic drugs manners, are not the clever way, even ...ng stupid, because many sea puffers can contribute export instead of discarding, except 2 spp. that obviousely noticeable, well preparing/ processing can do after good screening of harmful spp. off. In Myanmar, Xenopterus naritus is very common in markets, as well as Diodon in Sabah.
waterpanda [14/2/2549 11:53:8]
ความคิดเห็นที่: 8
[24/2/2549 11:11:40]