กระทู้เก่า - 05666 :
[ 10/3/2549 8:50:42 ]
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piyawat [10/3/2549 9:24:18]
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O_O [10/3/2549 13:26:23]
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burwood [10/3/2549 13:44:30]
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Tony [10/3/2549 13:44:56]
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[10/3/2549 14:6:17]
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? [10/3/2549 14:21:23]
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[10/3/2549 14:46:51]
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knotsnake [10/3/2549 15:31:16]
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[10/3/2549 16:22:26]
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knotsnake [10/3/2549 16:48:44]
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knotsnake [10/3/2549 21:26:39]
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[10/3/2549 23:52:29]
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[11/3/2549 0:14:19]
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knotsnake [11/3/2549 0:31:59]
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keng_keng [11/3/2549 1:4:21]
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? [11/3/2549 16:39:45]
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[11/3/2549 23:12:49]
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[11/3/2549 23:46:18]
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RoF [12/3/2549 0:4:10]
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[12/3/2549 17:46:53]
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Sardines are the best quality for make canned fish that why they accustom to call all canned fish like that (same as Fab, Coke, Kotex etc.). It have good texture and taste with fine bone. Recently, their stock for large enough sizes are rare, and also real sardines are rapidly rotten or denature, compare with scads, mackerels (tough texture) which also have more choice in size ranges (mostly from undersizes, juveniles). Long time ago they use Sardinella spp., Dussumieria spp. for SEA. waters and Sardinops, Clupea spp. for temperate waters. For sure scads and mackerels are the cheaper fishes that most factory prefer and convenient, so the labelling is very important to consumer.
waterpanda [13/3/2549 1:9:26]
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[13/3/2549 17:49:24]
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Lab ??
Taxo [15/3/2549 22:36:34]
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[19/3/2549 16:52:31]